South Africa Conference & Workshop
Sandton Sun Hotel 1 – 4 March 2011


Presenter Biographies




Andre Kudlinski – Director Technical Infrastructure

Department of Trade and Industry, Pretoira South Africa



Andre holds BSc (Hons) in chemical engineering (specialization: industrial biochemistry / biotechnology) from the Technical University in Lodz, Poland (graduated in 1971) and a Master’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Poland (1975). He also is a graduate of the Wits Business School (Johannesburg, South Africa) (graduated in 1999). Currently, he is studying at the Wits Medical School – School of Pharmacy.

As far as bio-fuels are concerned, Andre’s practical expertise includes working as a process engineer in an ethanol distillery in Torun, Poland (1971 – 1973).

Andre has been living in South Africa since 1988. He joined the DTI in 1997. He is in charge of two portfolios in the DTI:

Andre participated in various technology exchange and fact-finding missions to Germany, Brazil and other countries.

Andre was serving on the inter-departmental Bio-fuels Task Team which drafted South Africa’s national biofuels strategy published in December 2007. He is representing the DTI on the current biofuels task team, tasked with revising the 2007 strategy.