Within the framework of the FP7 CO2 Microalgae Biorefinery: D-Factory No 613870 we will establish a D-Factory Innovation platform for Dunaliella and use this to support the full range of stakeholder groups and dimensions associated with Dunaliella cultivation in non-potable, saline water managed by salt pan and desalination plant operatives with CO2 capture from industrial processes. These are identified largely with the source of saline water management and with the institutional setting of their production.

Difference in the source of feedstock often leads to differences in the volume, composition, geographical distribution, and ownership of the feedstock. We expect that these differences, coupled with the interests of the collaborating groups of stakeholders will collectively shape the technology selection and the route to implementation and offer an effective mechanism for facilitating knowledge transfer and business development in D-Factory operations for microalgae exploitation with true, long-term global impact.