Namibia Conference and Workshop
Ministry of Fisheries and Resources, Swakopmund 29 - 30 April 2013


Presenter Biographies



C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\WINZIP_Pcf54\IMG_1624.JPGJILL VARRIE – FLAMINGO MOON

Flamingo Moon is a private company established by the Founding Members of The Emerald Fellowship Foundation. A number of private companies will be established by the Foundation for the purpose of researching the barriers to development in Africa, identifying solutions and applying the outcomes to commercially viable projects, across a number of economic sectors.


The objective of the group is to create sustainable employment and create a robust and dynamic education model that underpins a drive towards innovation and expertise in science and technology, and one that can be exported to developing countries. Participation in research projects assists in identifying and switching environmental and development problems into economic opportunities setting a platform for the employment creation.
Jill Varrie has broad management experience in a number of commercial sectors and her key contribution is that of strategic planning, creation of dynamic delivery teams and audit of key performance indicators.