Namibia Conference and Workshop
Ministry of Fisheries and Resources, Swakopmund 29 - 30 April 2013


Presenter Biographies



AMI BEN-AMOTZ - Emeritus Professor of Marine Phycology
Nature Beta Technologies, Eilat, Israel



Ami Ben-Amotz received his B.Sc. & M.Sc. degrees at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the PhD at Weitzman Institute of Science (WIS), Israel, the last on studies related to the halotolerant alga Dunaliella. After post doctorate studies at Brandeis University, USA, on hydrogen production by marine algae Prof. Ben-Amotz returned to Israel and initiated academic and research activities at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and at the WIS with the late Prof. M. Avron to study the biology, physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology of marine microalgae with emphasis on Dunaliella. The fruitful cooperation opened the way to establishment of the commercial Dunaliella production plant in Eilat, known today as Nature Beta Technologies Ltd., (NBT) Israel, a subsidiary of Nikken Sohonsha Co., Japan. Along his extensive career with marine microalgae, Prof. Ben-Amotz served as Head of the Department of Marine Biology at the NIO and Head of the Dunaliella Section at the WIS, Chief Scientist of NBT and recently as Chief Scientist of Nikken Sohonsha Co., Japan. Prof. Ben-Amotz served as President of the 8th International Marine Biotechnology Conference which was held in Eilat, Israel in March 2007. Upon his retirement of NIO Prof. Ben-Amotz founded Seambiotic Ltd., a company devoted to the cultivation of marine microalgae on industrial wastes including electric power plants for the production of feasible algae for bio-fuels, feed, food and high value products. Prof. Ben-Amotz has about 150 publications including two books published the first in 1992 and the second in 2009. He supervised dozens of students mostly on aspects related to marine algae, Dunaliella and natural products.




Topic: Glycerol and beta-Carotene Production by Dunaliella: Glycerol






Currently Dunaliella is one of the very few microalgae that are commercially exploited. Although it is now cultivated intensively mainly for beta-carotene production, Dunaliella can grow autotrophically also extensively on carbon dioxide for the production of both glycerol and beta-carotene. The ability to use natural resources of sea and salt water, arid land, flue gas and solar radiation on wide global distribution makes this halo tolerant alga most attractive for open cultivation and commercialization for bioenergy and natural products.